Selecting the right hearing aid can be an overwhelming task, given the myriad options available spanning numerous brands and models. Opting for a solo shopping endeavor can result in ill-fitting devices. To ensure an optimal fit and performance, it is advisable to steer away from this approach and, instead, consider scheduling a customized hearing aid fitting session with a qualified audiologist. Customized hearing aid fittings serve as a crucial undertaking for the following compelling reasons.

Get a Device That Fits Your Ear

Hearing aids you buy online are not designed for your ears. They are not made in a selection of sizes, and it might not be fit for the severity of your hearing loss. A customized hearing aid fitting will guarantee you receive a device that’s made for you. Your audiologist will take scans of your ears to create molds that the hearing aid is then made to fit. The result is a device that sits snug, far more comfortable and will fit the requirements of your hearing needs.

Reduce Background Noise

What happens when a hearing aid doesn’t fit correctly? More often than not, people buy devices that are slightly too big for them. As a result, gaps form between the device and your ear, leading to lots of background noise sneaking in. This makes it harder for the hearing aid to work properly as it picks up too much background noise through the microphone.

Therefore, your device doesn’t do an optimal job of improving your hearing. Instead, customized hearing aid fittings with an audiologist will stop this from happening. Your device fits perfectly, plugging any gaps and reducing background noise. It works more efficiently and does a better job of amplifying sounds – like someone talking – while reducing any noises in the background that may be getting in the way of conversations.

Find a Hearing Aid That Suits Your Lifestyle

As well as getting a hearing aid that fits properly, your audiologist will help you pick one that suits your lifestyle. Primarily, this revolves around choosing the hearing aid style. Do you want a device that’s very discreet and impossible for most people to see? In-the-ear (ITE) or in-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids are the best in this situation and suit individuals that live busy lives where their hearing aid will be in for long hours.

Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids are designed for individuals that range from mild-to-profound hearing loss. It’s slightly less discrete but easier to take out if you experience difficulties with dexterity issues this may be the hearing aid for you. All sorts of questions will be asked during your customized hearing aid fitting to see what style of device works best for you and your lifestyle.

Alongside this, other features will be taken into account. Do you need Bluetooth connectivity on your device? Will you require other specific features based on your lifestyle? During the fitting, your audiologist asks you as many questions as possible to figure out the perfect hearing aid for your needs.

Improve Your Quality of Life

Ultimately, a customized hearing aid fitting will improve your quality of life. How? Because it leaves you with a hearing aid that’s made for you. As mentioned above, it has all the features you need and is in a style that suits your life.
All in all, this gives you something that works perfectly. So, you’re more likely to keep wearing it every single day. The more you wear your hearing aid, the better adjusted you will be to wearing your hearing aid. You won’t have to ask people to repeat themselves and your ears aren’t straining to pick up sounds. This can help prevent further hearing loss. Talk with your audiologist about getting a hearing aid that is right for you. By forgoing a personalized hearing aid fitting, you will miss getting the hearing aid for you.
If you have any questions about what happens during a customized hearing aid fitting talk with your audiologist, they will be able to answer any question you have regarding these fittings.

Book Your Customized Hearing Aid Fitting Right Now!

Do you need a hearing aid? Want to learn more about customized hearing aid fittings? Get started today by contacting Hearing Solutions of Northwest Michigan. We’ll book you in for an appointment as soon as possible with one of our talented and experienced audiologists. Call us today at (231) 518-4422 to make your booking or to ask us any hearing aid-related questions.

Tags: hearing aid basics, hearing aid fitting, hearing aid styles